62a63,67 > Dimension d = getDrawingViewSize(); > DrawingView newDrawingView = new ZoomDrawingView(this, d.width, d.height); > newDrawingView.setDrawing(newDrawing); > // notify listeners about created view when the view is added to the desktop > //fireViewCreatedEvent(newDrawingView); 62,62c62,62 < protected DrawingView createDrawingView() { --- > protected DrawingView createDrawingView(Drawing newDrawing) { 63,63c68,68 < return new ZoomDrawingView(this); --- > return newDrawingView; 252,259d256 < protected boolean closeQuery(){ < int reply = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, < "Do you really want to exit?", < "JHotDraw - Exit" , < JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, < JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); < return (reply == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION); < } 266,266c257,257 < --- >