40,40c40,40 < * Constructes the Figure selection for the vector of figures. --- > * Constructes the Figure selection for the FigureEnumeration. 42,42c42,42 < public StandardFigureSelection(FigureEnumeration figures, int figureCount) { --- > public StandardFigureSelection(FigureEnumeration fe, int figureCount) { 47a48,48 > while (fe.hasNextFigure()) { 48,48d47 < while (figures.hasMoreElements()) { 49,49c49,49 < writer.writeStorable(figures.nextFigure()); --- > writer.writeStorable(fe.nextFigure()); 64,64c64,64 < * as a Vector of Figures. --- > * as a FigureEnumeration of Figures. 70a71,71 > List result = CollectionsFactory.current().createList(10); 71,71d70 < Vector result = new Vector(10); 78,78c78,78 < result.addElement(newFigure); --- > result.add(newFigure);