/* * @(#)Figure.java * * Project: JHotdraw - a GUI framework for technical drawings * http://www.jhotdraw.org * http://jhotdraw.sourceforge.net * Copyright: © by the original author(s) and all contributors * License: Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL) * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.html */ package CH.ifa.draw.framework; import CH.ifa.draw.util.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; import java.io.Serializable; /** * The interface of a graphical figure. A figure knows * its display box and can draw itself. A figure can be * composed of several figures. To interact and manipulate * with a figure it can provide Handles and Connectors.

* A figure has a set of handles to manipulate its shape or attributes. * A figure has one or more connectors that define how * to locate a connection point.

* Figures can have an open ended set of attributes. * An attribute is identified by a string.

* Default implementations for the Figure interface are provided * by AbstractFigure. * * @see Handle * @see Connector * @see CH.ifa.draw.standard.AbstractFigure * * @version <$CURRENT_VERSION$> */ public interface Figure extends Storable, Cloneable, Serializable { /** * Constant that allows to identify a popup menu assigned * as an attribute. */ public static String POPUP_MENU = "POPUP_MENU"; /** * Moves the Figure to a new location. * @param x the x delta * @param y the y delta */ public void moveBy(int dx, int dy); /** * Changes the display box of a figure. This method is * always implemented in figure subclasses. * It only changes * the displaybox and does not announce any changes. It * is usually not called by the client. Clients typically call * displayBox to change the display box. * @param origin the new origin * @param corner the new corner * @see #displayBox */ public void basicDisplayBox(Point origin, Point corner); /** * Changes the display box of a figure. Clients usually * invoke this method. It changes the display box * and announces the corresponding changes. * @param origin the new origin * @param corner the new corner * @see #displayBox */ public void displayBox(Point origin, Point corner); /** * Gets the display box of a figure * @see #basicDisplayBox */ public Rectangle displayBox(); /** * Draws the figure. * @param g the Graphics to draw into */ public void draw(Graphics g); /** * Returns the handles used to manipulate * the figure. Handles is a Factory Method for * creating handle objects. * * @return a Vector of handles * @see Handle */ public Vector handles(); /** * Gets the size of the figure */ public Dimension size(); /** * Gets the figure's center */ public Point center(); /** * Checks if the Figure should be considered as empty. */ public boolean isEmpty(); /** * Returns an Enumeration of the figures contained in this figure */ public FigureEnumeration figures(); /** * Returns the figure that contains the given point. */ public Figure findFigureInside(int x, int y); /** * Checks if a point is inside the figure. */ public boolean containsPoint(int x, int y); /** * Returns a Clone of this figure */ public Object clone(); /** * Changes the display box of a figure. This is a * convenience method. Implementors should only * have to override basicDisplayBox * @see #displayBox */ public void displayBox(Rectangle r); /** * Checks whether the given figure is contained in this figure. */ public boolean includes(Figure figure); /** * Decomposes a figure into its parts. A figure is considered * as a part of itself. */ public FigureEnumeration decompose(); /** * Sets the Figure's container and registers the container * as a figure change listener. A figure's container can be * any kind of FigureChangeListener. A figure is not restricted * to have a single container. */ public void addToContainer(FigureChangeListener c); /** * Removes a figure from the given container and unregisters * it as a change listener. */ public void removeFromContainer(FigureChangeListener c); /** * Gets the Figure's listeners. */ public FigureChangeListener listener(); /** * Adds a listener for this figure. */ public void addFigureChangeListener(FigureChangeListener l); /** * Removes a listener for this figure. */ public void removeFigureChangeListener(FigureChangeListener l); /** * Releases a figure's resources. Release is called when * a figure is removed from a drawing. Informs the listeners that * the figure is removed by calling figureRemoved. */ public void release(); /** * Invalidates the figure. This method informs its listeners * that its current display box is invalid and should be * refreshed. */ public void invalidate(); /** * Informes that a figure is about to change such that its * display box is affected. * Here is an example of how it is used together with changed() *

	 * public void move(int x, int y) {
	 *      willChange();
	 *      // change the figure's location
	 *      changed();
	 *  }
* @see #invalidate * @see #changed */ public void willChange(); /** * Informes that a figure has changed its display box. * This method also triggers an update call for its * registered observers. * @see #invalidate * @see #willChange * */ public void changed(); /** * Checks if this figure can be connected */ public boolean canConnect(); /** * Gets a connector for this figure at the given location. * A figure can have different connectors at different locations. */ public Connector connectorAt(int x, int y); /** * Sets whether the connectors should be visible. * Connectors can be optionally visible. Implement * this method and react on isVisible to turn the * connectors on or off. */ public void connectorVisibility(boolean isVisible); /** * Returns the connection inset. This is only a hint that * connectors can use to determine the connection location. * The inset defines the area where the display box of a * figure should not be connected. * */ public Insets connectionInsets(); /** * Returns the locator used to located connected text. */ public Locator connectedTextLocator(Figure text); /** * Returns the named attribute or null if a * a figure doesn't have an attribute. * All figures support the attribute names * FillColor and FrameColor */ public Object getAttribute(String name); /** * Sets the named attribute to the new value */ public void setAttribute(String name, Object value); /** * Gets the z value (back-to-front ordering) of this figure. * Z values are not guaranteed to not skip numbers. */ public int getZValue(); /** * Sets the z value (back-to-front ordering) of this figure. * Z values are not guaranteed to not skip numbers. */ public void setZValue(int z); }