An attacker engages in TCP Window scanning to analyze port status and operating system type. TCP Window scanning uses the ACK scanning method but examine the TCP Window Size field of response RST packets to make certain inferences. This scanning method works against fewer TCP stack implementations than any other type of scan. Some operating systems return a positive TCP window size when a RST packet is sent from an open port, and a negative value when the RST originates from a closed port.1. Speed: TCP Window scanning is fast compared to other types of scans2. Stealth: TCP Window scanning is relatively stealthy, much like ACK scanning3. Open Port: Can detect open ports based on Window size for a limited number of operating systems4. Closed Port: Can detect closed ports based on Window size for limited number of operating systems5. Filtered Port: Can identify filtered ports when combined with other methods6. Unfiltered Port: Can identify unfiltered ports when combined with other methods