“In requirements we trust”, Aeronautics and Aerospace area is rich in dependability requirements for aviation safety and airworthiness. New incidents and software-related failures challenge those trust assumptions of the status quo, pushing and expanding the boundary of our secure software engineering body of knowledge. In order to assess the risks, static and dynamic, of requirements satisfaction, we have:

  • Analysed the failures such as Ariane 5 to learn lessons for better and systematic analysis methods in software engineering
  • Developed a tool-supported OpenArgue approach to elicit, represent, and reason about those facts that mitigate or undercut the claims of the security arguments;
  • Established a security requirements ontology which has been applied to air traffic management of a Single European Sky with Rome Airport, which predates the regulations and predicted the problem today;
  • Articulated new aviation safety requirements for tracking and verifying the motions of all aircraft globally in the era of Internet of Things.